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50,000+ Agencies and 100+ Categories
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Advertising & Marketing
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Looking For Service Providers?
You are just 3 steps away from making your choice.
Browse thousands of categorised and ranked profiles that match with your requirement. We designed our portal with smart filter to drill down to your preferred choice.
Shortlist and identify profiles match with your requirement. Review their profile details and evaluate them based on the data they provided. Finalise your provider
Every profile will have contact details to connect with them. Start your journey with your new stakeholder. Don’t forget to send your success story to us.
What we have
smart ranking logic
Our unique ranking algorithm rate profiles based on their stability and ability to deliver
10000+ Company profiles
Hundreds of verified and authenticated profiles with detailed review and client details for easier review
Optimised Listing & Search
We provide wide range of selection features to drill down your right choice of profile
Verified reviews
Filtering and review restrictions applied to ensure genuine reviews are recorded.
Authentic Profile Details
We do auditing and verification of profiles to ensure the details provided are correct.
Challenge Identified

As a Buyer, get right insight about a service provider is always challenging and always misleading with advertorials, paid endorsements, and sponsored posts. Also, you will have to consider many strategic parameters before making your business decisions. Where can you find all those key data organised in a way that you can make a quick decision?

Same for Service providers with a great project or a product. How you will get this to potential clients. Every great idea needs a platform to showcase their idea, project, or their prestigious client.

A Solution We Defined

We designed PM Republic to provide a platform where Buyers can find their right Service providers. We have our unique internal algorithm to rate companies based on various factors. This is based on their ability to deliver and stability in the market. We use multiple filters and process to ensure the reviews are genuine and reflects companies' real strength. Since our Ranking logic measures a variety of quality signals, businesses seeking services will have all the information they need to be confident in their choice.

Pm republic serves Service providers as a platform to showcase their products, works and prestigious clients which will generate leads for their future partnerships.

Know More About Us
Know more about our mission, vision, values
and how we works.
Who are we ?
PM Republic was founded with the goal of helping businesses navigate the rapidly changing world of digital marketing. As the number of marketing service providers grew, so did the challenges for businesses searching for information they could trust to drive their decisions.
How do we rank profiles?
Our data driven ranking algorithm uses various parameters to rank service provider for their stability, ability to deliver and reliability. We apply all measures to ensure quality of data from where we derive our raining parameters .
What We Do
PM republic creates and empowers successful relationships between businesses and service providers. We do B2B research, ratings and reviews site that identifies leading IT and marketing service providers and software .
How do we measure ability to deliver
Our internal algorithm distinguish, group and rate various key performance indicator which is specific for ability to deliver as this is the life blood almost every project. We measure, weigh and value specific parameters that can measure ability to deliver.
Our Mission, Vision & Values
Become an essential platform for global organisations by helping them to make their right decisions and choices with the help of authentic, reliable signals.
How do we measure stability
Stability of service provider is key for any business or their continuous support and partnership for their future endeavour. Our system algorithm uses various stability specific signals to give your confidence for your long-term partnership.